What constitutes an assault rifle, well there are so many definitions that I figured we would take a second and break down who means what? When gun grabbers refer to an assault rifle they are basically referring to any semi-automatic gun which has the ability to run changeable magazines and optics and has a malicious look that makes their legs quiver a little bit when they lay their eyes on it.
The problem here is that this is not a definition that is able to be held up by any court of law. If modern law makers wanted to push forth with some sort of assault weapon ban they first need to be able to define what they are trying to ban. The most amazing part of the innovative industries that make a lot of these so called “assault weapons” is that they are so fast and intelligent that they innovate right past any definitions. California tried with adjustable stock legislation, welp lets sell them with fixed stocks. How about removable magazines? Ever heard of a bullet button?
This brings us to our next point, what are they trying to do here? Are they trying to make the United States a safer place or are they trying to win? We can currently look into our inner cities in this country and see how the war on drugs is currently going, we forced billions of dollars into the hands of criminals who now run gangs and cartels all over the world. As yourself how prohibition when in the 1920’s?… Have you ever heard of Al Capone? People will find a way and if you make guns illegal, it will either create a bunch more people who are willing to break your laws or you will make it so that the criminals are the only ones that have the weapons in the first place.